Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Two new caps just in. The City hat came just in time for the Warriors season to start even tho its already looking pretty bleak with Captain Jack trying to bounce and Monta mouthing off. The Warriors need to handle the situation with Jackson the same way the 9ers did Crabtree hold out. Details of the cap below.

The crown is ht red (a darker shade of red. Think red brick) and the bill, underbill and button are khaki. The City logo is done with a khaki fill and a white outline. The back logo is done the same as the front. The New Era hit has khaki fill and a white outline.

We also got a clean Tampa Bay Rays cap in details below.

The crown of the hat is black and the visor, undervisor and button are gray flannel material. The Tampa Bay Logo is done in the team colors. The MLB logo on the back is purple and gray. And the New Era is done in purple.